Many insects play an important role in plant pollination | The standard

lifestyle, gardening, bees, pollinators, butterflies, beetles, flies, fertilization

The sight and sound of insects in a summer garden can scare off many gardeners, but for the discerning gardener, insects are welcome. Most insects, in fact, do more good than harm. Pollinators, which include insects such as bees, butterflies, beetles and flies and other animals such as birds and marsupials, involuntarily move pollen from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma of a flower. another as they search for protein-rich nectar and pollen. The result of this foraging by pollinators is the fertilization of the flower embryo, which produces fruit and seeds. The most common pollinator of garden plants is the humble bee, and every effort should be made to have them welcome visitors to your plot. How do you encourage bees in the garden? Plant flowers, especially those that are rich in nectar or pollen such as lavender, grevilleas, eucalyptus, bottle brush and daisies. Bees will also visit other plants in the garden while foraging, which means they will pollinate a multitude of plants, resulting in higher yields. To increase the yields of the vegetable garden or fruit trees, plant flowering annuals nearby to also attract pollinators. Often the small native bees, wasps and flies are ignored in the garden, but they also play an important role in pollinating small-flowered plants, especially many native species. Providing habitat and nesting sites for nature’s little helpers will improve the health and diversity of any garden. There are many reasons why plants fail to produce fruit, and it could simply be because the weather is too hot or too cold, or there are no pollinators. This does not mean that you have to do without products. Hand pollination can be implemented to ensure good yield. Techniques may differ but this method requires the transfer of pollen from flower to flower to fertilize the flower. A soft artist brush is ideal for this task. Simply sprinkle pollen from one flower onto the brush, then gently sprinkle the pollen onto the sticky stigma of another flower of the same type. Hand pollination can be easily done on plants like tomatoes, eggplant, passion fruit, zucchini, pumpkins and squash. Better yet, set up a bee hotel in the garden to encourage pollinators to take up residence and do all the work for you. Find out how you can save with the latest deals for your home and garden with Australian Coupons discount codes.



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