Honey TV’s Wawu That’s My Dress returns to Kenya for second season

After a successful first season, HONEY TV’s Wawu, this is my dress is back in Kenya for a second.

The popular wedding show format sees brides from across the country descend on Nairobi to search for their perfect wedding dress. In the presence of their loved ones, they each have the chance to try on different dresses to determine which style suits them best. Kenyan Media Maven – Amina Abdi Rabar is back as host of the show. Rabar is one of East Africa’s most popular celebrities with just over a million followers on Instagram alone. She brings wit and a modern touch to the wedding spectacle. Kenyan Season is produced by Nusu-Nusu Productions of Fareed Khimani.

the Wawu, this is my dress format has traveled across the African continent after starting in Nigeria with celebrity stylist – Dami Oke as the host, Kenya with Amina Abdi Rabar and more recently Zambia with musician Esther Chungu as the host. The show has become a popular format for the channel as an extension of the focus on weddings in the lifestyle television format.

Watch Amina Abdi Rabar on Wawu, That’s My Dress: Kenya and other pan-African lifestyle shows on DStv’s HONEY (173).

Watch the promotion here. Catch Wawu, That’s My Dress: Kenya every Tuesday at WAT 3:00 PM | CAT 16:00 | EAT 5:00 p.m. on # HoneyDStv173 and #GOtvSUPA.

Follow @honeyafricatv on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more updates.

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About Sherri Flowers

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