a a a a a a a a a a a a A The Columbus Enquirer, Columbus, Monday Morning, June 20, 1966 Page Seventeen Washington Roundup High Cost of Uranium Helping Coal Industry WASHINGTON (AP) A National Coal Association official said Sunday night the high price uranium will assure the future of coal as a source of electric power. Stephen F. Dunn, association president, told participants at group's anniversary convention: "There just isn't much uranium at a price that can do it. Atomic power will not be able to make serious inroads on coal's long-term growth unless unexpectedly vast amounts of low-cost uranium are discovered in the very near future." Dunn also said the association has boosted its estimate of this year's bituminous coal consumption to 535 million tons, the largest total since 1948. Last December, association economists had forecast bituminous coal consumption at 522 millions tons.
The higher forecast is based on stronger demand by electric utilities and the steel industry. WASHINGTON (AP) A Senate committee recommended Sunday night that the Office of Economic Opportunity set up one or more high-level Ed Wynn- (Continued from Page 1) producers for film and serious roles. I was also in demand: as a comedian, earning as much money as guest star on television as had ever been given." Wynn was born Edwin Leopold on Nov. 9, 1886, in Philadelphia where his father was a hat manufacturer. Wynn made his acting debut at the age of 16 in 1902, appearing with the Thurber-Masher Repertory Company.
He played with it for 21 weeks until it disbanded in Bangor, Maine. wanted to be an actor as early as 9 or 10 years of age," he recalled late in life. "I used to play hooky from school to watch a vaudeville show. I ran away for two or three days when I was 13 to go with a medicine show. Disowned By Father "My father, who was neither socialist nor wealthy.
disowned me in 1902 because he was a businessman in Philadelphia. He didnt want me to disgrace his name." He dropped the Leopold and separated his first name to read Ed Wynn. He went into vaudeville and formed a team with one Jack Lewis. But it was soon apparent that he was to go his own way in the entertainment field as he developed his own style. He wrote his own material, jokes and songs and presented himself as a bubbling, slightly insane funny man.
By 1913, Wynn had reached the peak of achievement in vaudeville, the Palace in New York. Florenz Ziegfeld caught Wynn's act and signed him for the Ziegfeld Follies of 1914. Wynn continued on Broadway with such shows as "Doing Our Bit," "Ed Wynn Carnival," "Over the Top," "The Deacon and the Lady," "The Perfect Fool" which became his billing thereafter, "Laugh Parade" and "Hooray for What." In Silent Movie In 1926, he starred in the silent movie, "Rubber Heels," and he also appeared in a few early talkies. But his biggest impact on the general public came in 1932, when he appeared on radio as a fire chief. His wild, high-pitched comedy tured the nation.
During World War 11, Wynn devoted much of his energies to entertaining troops and helping to raise funds for Red Cross, war bonds and other drives. In 1946 he returned briefly to radio as the fire chief. He entered television during its early days and his comedy show was the first to be sent from Hollywood to the East. Among his films were "The Shaggy Dog." "Dear Brigitte," "Mary Poppins," "Those Crazy Callaways" and "The Greatest Story Ever Told." His greatest triumph as an actor his nomination for an Academy. Award for his performance as the dentist in "The Diary of Anne Frank." Married Twice Wynn's outward gaiety was in contrast to his personal life.
He experienced two intensely unhappy marriages. He never wrote his memoirs because of this. "My whole private life was sad." Wynn once said. "That's why I don't want to write it. I don't want to go over it again." In 1914 Wynn married Hilda Keenan.
daughter of actor Frank Keenan. They had one son. Keenan. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1937. In the same year Wynn married Frieda Mierse, That marriage also ended in divorce in 1939.
In 1946 he wed Dorothy Elizabeth Nesbitt, Again divorce followed, in 1955. Wynn died at his home. Survivors, besides Keenan, are Keenan's five children, Hilda, Edwina, Emily, Tracy and Ned. HUDMAN Funeral for nie L. Hudman will be held at 4 p.m.
today at Colonial Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Henry N. Evans officiating. Burial will be in Lakeview Memory Gardens. Active pallbearers will be Edward Sanders, Ruben Nelson, Wiley Howard, Travis, Howard, Edward and Charles Hodges.
Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Doris Mills, Phenix City; his widow, Mrs. Connie Hudman, Slidell, two daughters, Rhonda Gay and Bonnie Jennelle Hudman, both of Slidell; a son, Donald Rodney Hudman, Slidell; and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Bessie R. Latorre, Savannah.
COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME PHENIX CITY, ALA. Lodge Notices 7 Called communication of Wilson Williams Lodge No. 351 A M. will be held in the Masonic Temple, Phenix City, Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30 P. called for the purpose of conferring the M.
M. DeAll qualified brethren are invited to meet with us. Ralph Strickland, W. W. D.
Walls, Ser'y The Regular Communication of Columbian Lodge No. 7, F. A. will be held in the Masonic Temple, 1127 Second Avenue, Tuesevening, June 21, 1966, at 7:30 o'clock. All qualified Brothers corday dially invited.
By order of positions to direct the fight against poverty among the nation's elderly. In calling for a new post in the poverty bureau, the committee did not recommend any specific salary, but said the man who takes charge should have job security. And if the Office of Economy Opportunity refuses to set up the new position, the committee said, "Congress should act to require it by statute." Only that kind of setup can assure "adequate consideration of the needs of the elderly in conducting the War on Poverty," the Senate's Special Committee on Aging said in a report on programs for the aged poor. Sen. George A.
Smathers, D- said there are seven million people in that category, and the government should choose "an imaginative and aggressive commandant" to help them. CAPITAL QUOTES "The cause of black equality will be decided by black people because they are the oppressed." Stokely Carmichael, executive director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. CAPITAL FOOTNOTES The House Banking and Currency Committee will hold hearings next month on measures to provide for the sale of government stockpiled silver dollars to the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association. The association would resell the coins at greater than face value to raise The Conservation Foundation has awarded a research grant to Dr. Richard A.
Cooley of the University of Washington to study the decline of the world's polar John Edward Wickman has appointed director of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library at Abilene, Kan. Georgia News Briefs SAVANNAH BEACH, Ga. (AP) An increase in the number of surfers at Savannah Beach poses a safety problem for the general public, and town council is studying the problem. Mayor James A.
Brown of Savannah Beach has proposed that one section of the beach be set off for the exclusive use of surfers. OCILLA, Ga. (AP) Irwin County officials and authorities from Ben Hill County are studying problems involved in the establishment of a joint vocational trade school to serve both counties. Emory Walters, president of the Irwin Chamber of Commerce, said a fall date for a bond referendum for both counties is under consideration. If the referendum is approved.
each county would contribute $150,000 toward construction of the school and the federal and governments would con(tribtue" $300,000. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) Approximately 175 members of the Georgia Education Association will attend the convention of the National Education Association at Miami Beach June 26- July 1. Heading the Georgia delegawill be Clyde W. Kimball president of the GEA, and Frank M.
Hughes, executive secretary of the organization. SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) -The Chatham County Water Safety Council wants to pollute some waters which the council claims are safety hazards. B. T.
Byrd, chairman of the council, says the county comwill be asked to provide convict labor to pour burned motor oil on some ponds because a 14-year-old boy drowned recently in one. The owner of one pond has objected because, he said, the burned motor oil would kill fish in the pond. Byrd said the oil would discourage unauthorized swimming. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -A new state patrol station at Cuthbert has been completed and will be put into operation about July 1.
the Department of Public Safety has announced. The new station will be in command of Set. H. T. Liner who is being promoted and transferred from the State Patrot station at Tifton.
ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) Tuesday will be moving day for the Veterans Administration hospital in Atlanta. Patients will moved fromthe VA's old 300- bed hospital to a new $15 million 572-bed hospital in nearby DeKalb County, Transit buses will be used to transfer ambulatory patients, while bedridden patients will be transferred in Army buses which have been converted to haul 18 litters each. INDEX TO CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Announcements 35-Office 36-Swops Equipment Financial 1 Funeral Notices 2-Flowers 37-Sewing Machines 81-Business Opportunities 38-TV-Radio Sales 82 -Investments 3- In 39-Wanted to Buy 83-Money to Lend Memoriams 4-Cards of Thanks 40-Articles for Rent 84 Wanted to Borrow 5-Cemetery 85-Real Estate Loans Lots 6-Funeral 44-Schools Instruction Directors 7-Lodge Notices Animals Real Estate for Sale 8 Personals 47 -Pets Supplies 87-- Moving 9. Public Notices 48-Livestock-Poultry 88-Homes for Sale 10 Nurseries Free 89-Real Estate Wanted 11-Lost and Found 49-Free Column 90-Commercial Prop.
12-Who's Open Tonight Employment -Income Property 13-Traveling 50-Female Help Wanted 92-Lots for Sale 14 Fishing-Hunting 52-Saleswomen 93-Backwater Property 15- Private Parties 53-Male Help Wanted 94-Lake Front Lots 16 Restaurants 54-Salesmen 95-Out of Town Realty 17-- Resorts 55-Employment Agency 96-Forms for Sale 20-BUSINESS SERVICES (Male Female) 98 -Mobile Homes Classifications 56-Male Female 99-Mobile Homes Wid. as needed 57-Job Wanted Female 100 Mobile Home Space Merchandise 50-Job Wanted Male 101-Mobile Home A.C. 22-Antiques Rentals 105-Auctions 23-Building Rental 66-Rentals Automotive Materials 24-Equipment 68 -Rooms 25-Clothing 69-Room Board 108-Airplanes-Flying 26-Farm Equipment 70-Share Home 109-Boats-Motors 27-Furniture for Rent 71-Apts. Furnished 110-Motorcycles 28 -Heavy Equipment 72-Apts. Unfurnished 111 -Scooters Go-Carts 29-Household Goods 73-Cottages 112-Auto Services 30-Plants Shrubs 74-Houses Fumished 113 -Auto Parts Tires 31-Watches-Jewelry 75-Houses Unfurnished 114-Trucks Buses 32-Machinery Tools 76-Mobile Homes 115-Autos Wanted 33-Misc.
for Sale 77-Business Rentals 116-Auto Rentals 34 Musical Instruments 78-Wanted to Rent 117-Autos for Sale Household Goods 29 Misc. for Sale 33 Danielson, W. M. J. Willard Rexister, Secy, Lost and Found 11 MURRAY Funeral services nauzer, grey white, Reward.
If for Mrs. Susie Murray will he LOST or Strayed Giant monster (found please call 327-8400. held Monday at 2 at the 13 feet tall. 1 If seen notify the Dixie p.m. Theater.
Do not try to capture as graveside 'Rev. Parkhill Ceme- this thing is very dangerous. Call tery with Weyman R. for Dr. Evil.
of Maden Dr. Cleveland officiating. Hilton Heights, brown Dachshund, Sur- LOST: In block 2902 vivors include three sons, Lou- motherly appearance, answers to S. Susie. Children's call pet.
If 322-3688, found reton D. Murray and William Please (Jack) Murray, both of Co- Resorts 17 PANAMA CITY 2 BEDROOM COTlumbus, and George P. Murray, New Orleans, and a TAGE. AIR CONDITIONED, TV, daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Mur- SLEEPS 6, $75 PER WEEK.
322-3233. ray Williams, Columbus; two apartments, sleeps 1 to 9, $40 VACATION Panama Beach, cottages sisters, Mrs. Walter Scott of and $65 per week. 298-7294. Atlanta and Mrs.
Marvin Par-5 Beach, ROOM Panama house on City, gulf, on Florida. Biltmore Dial tain of Atlanta; a brother, CY 8-0727. S. H. Perkins of St.
Peters- Clocks 22A burg, three grandchil- EXPERT foreign and anitque clocks dren, Susie Williams of Co- clocks. repair. Pick Our specialty, and delivery grandfather servup lumbus, Georgiana Murray of ice. Call Tick-Tock Clock Repair. 561- New Orleans, and Kathleen 6973 or 561-4303.
Murray of New Orleans. Clothing 25 STRIFFLER-HAMBY OFFICERS dress blue 38 long; 33 Waist, $50, Like new. Overcoat 38 Long, $15. MU 9-5547. POOLE Funeral for James STRAW coat, original, only one of H.
Poole will be Monday at this kind, cost $180, best offer over Heights $100. 814 Brown Ave. 4 p.m. from Wesley Baptist Church with the Rev. Farm Equipment 26 Napp selection new used, Rotary brush N.
Granade officiating. IMPLEMENTS- Large Interment will be in the post cutters, $295 up. Lewis Adams Mocemetery at Fort Benning tors, 3035 Victory Drive. with full military honors. Sur- Furniture for Rent 27 vivors include his mother, WE rent furniture, electric refrigerators, washing machines and stoves.
Mrs. Willie Parker Poole; his Fine Home Furnishings widow, Mrs. Virginia Q. LEON SLAUGHTER FURNITURE 2039 Benning Rd. MU 9-4340 Poole; one daughter, Miss LIVING room, bedroom, dinette, re Lucille Poole: two sons, Jim (rigerators, washers, TV's, roll of Co- aways, hospital beds, wheel chairs, and Billy Poole, all Best quality.
Lowest rates. Persons lumbus. 2503 Lumpkin Rd. Dial MU 9. A STRIFFLER HAMBY, 7715.
Household Goods 29 GRISSETT Funeral for Mrs. TRUE Tone Stereo, wtih AM FM will be at 2 Radio, like new, $80, Call 561-1148. Mary Grissett 5 PIECE dinnette suit $13. Fair p.m. Monday from the Colo- condition.
Call 689-0456. nial Chapel. Rev. Harry Cobb 21" ZENITH TV $35; GE. Table TV $35; 21" Thin Line Table TV $45.
Jr. will officiate. Interment Bennett TV Service, Corner 30th St. Riverdale Cem- 2nd Ave. WE rent, sell, trade, buy used will be in the etery.
Pallbearers will be: washers and dryers, phone FA 3- Sidney Cross, Carl Youngs-1828. Fox Used Appliance Bedroom Service. Suites. Living trom, Robert Johnson, T. B.
Room Suites, Kitchen Furniture and Willis, and How- Odd CARLEY Pieces of Transfer all kinds. Storage Cheap! Mc. Co. Shirah, Lynn ard Mobley. Survivors include 843 Broadway.
FA 7-8001. Roscoe Grissett, Phenix SEWING MACHINE with a son, cabinet perfect condition, $45, CY City; four daughters, Mrs. 8-2606. Lulleane Gilley, Mrs. Verleta USED BEDROOM SUITE $59.95 MCCLELLAN HOME FURNISHINGS Gilley, and Mrs.
Goldie 4319 Meritas Ave. 323-8334 Thrash, all of Phenix City, good LARGE upright mahogany piano, tone quality. Matching storage and Mrs. Minnie Lee Mills, bench. $100.
length Muskrat Fur Anderson, S. C. 20 Coat CUBIC sz. 14 ft. $60.
545-5025. Amana upright freezCOLONIAL FUNERAL HOME er with door space. Excellent condi- LOST from 4 OVERLOOK month old SECTION Male SUNDAY Morning Beagle Puppy. Has Collar. REWARD Childs Pet.
Call FA 2-0971. LOST: 212 month old black Persian Kitten, Edgewood vicinity, if found please call 561-1450. LOST: in vicinity of 2300 block of Gurley miniature German Sch- tion. 1 owner. FA 2-0323.
WASHER Dryer $85. For information call 561-8650. 23" PHILCO TV $65, 21" TV $35, Guaranteed, 323-2200. LARGE FORMICA TOP TABLE AND 6 CHAIRS. $45.
PHONE 687- 3701. NEW electric Kenmore stove, perfect condition. $65. Phone 323-3342. BOOKCASE, in good condition $18.
Automatic washing machine $50. Furniture, odds ends. 298-2165. VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY UPRIGHT cleaner with attachments. Pay balance of 541.07 or payments $7 Mo.
Guaranteed. Call for Free Home Demonstration. 323-1663. AAA VACUUM CLEANER SUPPLY. 3 RMS BRAND NEW (53 PCS FURN $199.95) NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS $10.50 mo.
Dream House Furn. Co. 561-8168 BOUGHT Colored Set. Sacrifice, like new 21" TV. $25 cash.
Perfect condition. 3525 Hamilton Rd. MAGNIFICENT Drexel Mediterranean Coffee Table Stereo, purchased in Miami. weeks old, at cost. nothing like it available here, $549, 24 months to pay, call 324-1521, Mr.
Mrs. Carroll. Hilton Ave. Columbun. USE WANT ADS TWIN beds with springs and mattresses, chest and mirror, antique blue, $75.
687-1842. SINGER AUTOMATIC Does everything without attachments. In excellent condition. Makes Button Holes Sews on Buttons Monograms Blind Hems Darns Mends Appliques Wanted: responsible person to asfull balance of $83.84 cash 4 sume make small monthly payments. For complete information, call 687-2573 OR 689-2150 Day Night SOUTHERN SEWING MACHINE CO.
Watches- 31 DIAMOND rings for sale, 1 diamond pin. Call Sam Wellborn CB FA 4-1361. Camping Equip. 33A FOR RENT CAMPING TRAILER, Stove, box, Sink water tank. Built-in.
lees $35 per week. 3717-13th Ave. NEW TRAVEL TRAILER Built-in ed stove, ideal for camping, Sleeps 6, Ice box, Bath. a Privately 687-1256. Misc.
for Sale 33 PARKS 12" planer, 1 6" jointer, Yates American 10" table saw, all have 220 volts, single phase motors; 1 powermatic band saw, 1 12' aluminum boat, 1 3x5 metal utility shed. 561-1294. Call between 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. HARDWARE SPECIALS.
Mailbox and Post, $5.00. Clothesline posts, $7.95 a pair. Cricket stools, 99 cents. Interior Latex paint, $2.95 a gallon. Linoleum rugs, $4.95.
Bar stools, $2.99. Lawn Mowers at discount prices. SOUTH COLUMBUS HARDWARE. 250 Brennan Rd. LINOLEUM rugs, $4.85, GOLDSEAL rugs $9.70.
TUGGLE furniture Co. 116 44th St. Off 2nd Ave. 322-9367. USED refrigerators $19.95 and up, Used electric ranges, $49.95 and up, Tested and guaranteed.
Daniel Appliance 1050 Talbotton Road, 327 3253. WANTED TO RENT Relx-acisor reducing machine. Call 327-5084 after 5 pm to 7 pm. CHILD'S LARGE GYM SET Good condition $25 322-3233 after 5 p.m. 561-1866 UNFINISHED FURNITURE.
Chests, desks, bookcases, bar stools, chairs, round dinette tables, hutches, Deacon's benches, Boston rockers, etc. Also low -cost finished furniture, lawn mowers, bicycles, paints, garden tools, and other hardware. "'We Specialize in Unfinished SOUTH COLUMBUS HARDWARE. 250 Brennan Rd. CHAIN LINK FENCE 25c per foot.
Call 323-5047, United Fence Co. 5126 Hamilton Rd. TRAVEL trailer Kenskill, new condition, self -contained. $1,725. Call 545-3843.
MAYTAG WASHER Re Used Automatics guaranteed COLUMBUS MAYTAG 1708 12th Ave. 323-0256 PAINT SALE 2 GAL FOR $5 UP Plumbing fixtures supplies. Hardware. C. A.
Starlin, 4211 Hamilton FA 2-1721. AUTOMATIC Washers and Wringer types reconditioned GUARANTEED Fox Appliance Service. 323-1828. 8 PC. EARLY AMERICAN Twin Bed Outfit You get two beds for the price of one! 2 Twin Beds 2 Innerspring mattresses 2 Matching Foundations ALL FOR $100 Don't put it Off Put it On Credit Money Down Easy Terms.
FURNITURE CO. 1008 Brodway 323-46571 3110 2nd Ave. 322-5214 316 Brown Ave. 689-8164 BIG SALE Gift Thrift Shop 3535 River Road. Come Look.
Open 10:00 to 6:00 Monday thru Saturday, PHIL CO 16 inch portable TV. In good condition. $30. Call 561-6621. RENTALS SALES 25 Years In Columbus Rentals: Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, $3 Mo.
Rug Shampooer, Buffers, 01 Day. Sanders. Serva'e parts, all makes. Cleaners, from $5. Used Sewing Machines.
AAA VACU UM CLEANER SUPPLY HOUSE, 1346 Broadway. FA 3-1663. AL'S PAWN SHOP TV's $49.95 up. Ladies 1 ct. White gold ring Special Shot Guns $17.50 up.
Fans $9.95 up. 4 Track RCA Tape Recorder $99.50 Transistor Radios $3,95 up. Knight R-55 Receiver $56.00 New Zebco 202 Reel Rod $3.88 -EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Loans made on Anything of Value AL'S PAWN SHOP 1043 6th Avenue 323-1056 FREE PARKING Try our CONVENIENT Credit Plan ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINE Full size machine. Monograms, Embroiders, makes button holes, etc. $59.95, with portable case.
AAA Vacuum Cleaner Supply, 1346 Broad st. NATIONAL cash register (small) $25. Schwinn Bike, $20; wringer washer $15; 16 Gauge shot gun $12. 297- 0923. BABY bed mattress.
Buggy. Titter bab. Pottie chair. Bottle sterlizer bottles. $50.
689-8937. GROCERY STORE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Will sell individual pieces or all together. Can be seen at 1936 4th Avenue or phone 322-9531. 7 SLIGHTLY used snakes. Like new.
Guaranteed to scare. Call Dr. Evil DIXIE THEATER. TOP SOIL FOR SALE $12.00 PER LOAD FA 2-8014 Living Room Suites $69.95 BRAND NEW TRAILER LOAD NO MONEY DOWN DELIVERS FURNITURE CO. 3 Locations to serve you 1008 Broadway 323-4657 3110 2nd Ave.
322-5214 316 Brown Ave. 689-8164 PARK 'n PAWN $89.50 Diamond Wedding Set $29.50 $39.50 Electric Buffers $14.50 Electric Fans $4.95 up $79.50 Portable Typewriters $29.50 -LARGE ASSORTMENT OF $175 Filter Queen Vac Cinr $59.50 $74.95 Yashica Camera, 35mm $34.50 $29.50 Electric Radios $9.95 $69.50 Portable Sew Machine $29.50 $29.50 Electric Shavers $4.95 GE Portable Television $59.50 Shotguns Rifles Reduced-Buy Now or Lay-Away Now. CONN Flute $69.50 $595 Motorola Stereo AM-FM dio $250 PARK 'n PAWN Phone 689-4933 Free Parking Loans Made on Anything of Value 3409 Victory Drive at Lumpkin Rd. Open Evenings 'Til 8 P.M NEED OUICK CASH Loans on boats, spare tires, world books, TV sets, cookware, guns hoata, motors and trailer. On automobiles without any red tape.
on anything of value. PHENIX PAWN SHOP 200 14th P. AIR "Tree Parking at rear entrance for Bert Loan Shop" 7pc. Sofa Bed Group Sofa Bed with matching chair with solid foam cushion, 2 Step tables, 1 co*cktail table, 2 table lamps. $99.95 Don't Put it Off- Put it on Credit No Money Down Faay Terms KGW FURNITURE CO.
3 Locationa to serve you 1008 Broadway 323-4657 3110 2nd Ave. 322-5214 316 Brown Ave. 689-8164 Let An SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY EXPERT Help You With LET EXPERTS DO IT Your Ad for Fest Result! Phone 324-5171 Business Services 20 Home Repairs Wallpapering Painting Repairing FREE ESTIMATES R. A. Hendrix.
323-1390 or 324-2772 FHA FINANCING Home Remodeled, No job too large or small. P'ree Estimate, No down payment. Riders Remodelers, Inc. CABINET Making, Painting And home remodeling. Reasonable, CY 8-2015.
Tree Service COLUMBUS Tree Service, Licensed Insured, All types tree work Feeding Cabling Owned opera ted By Talmadge Tidwell. All work guaranteed. 687-1390 Upholstery TWO PIECE SUITE. $40 Nothing Down Terms Arranged Phone or 689-3680 JENKINS UPHOLSTERY Quality workmanship, 1 sola bed and chair Inw As 559 00. to 24 months pay, 1104 Denning molt.
Ceramic Tile CERAMIC TILE WORK New or Remodeled, Reasonable Free Estimates, 324-3900 Painting PAINTING Reason Able prices, No Job too small. Free Call Bill Delvin 0274 Acme Upholstery AIR COND. FOR SALE OR RENT TV FOR RENT $8 per MONTH HART'S 2071 S. Lumpkin Rd. CALL 689-5545 We Deliver Install small space in the right place makes 0 big sale LOSES 112 POUNDS Martin S.
Greenwald of Miami, started a diet when he weighed 508 pounds. He now weighs 396 pounds after a diet of vitamin pills and sugar-free beverages. -AP Wirephoto. Man Loses 112 Pounds With 'Starvation Diet' (EDITOR'S NOTE: At age 13 Martin S. Greenwald weighed 160 pounds.
Eleven years later, last February, he hit the 500-pound mark, some 300 pounds overweight for his 6-foot frame. And now he's down to 396 pounds under a "starvation" diet supervised by the University of Miami's medical school doctors. How did he lose pounds? What does he do? Here's his story, as told to Dick Floud, medical writer of the Miami Herald.) By MARTIN S. GREENWALD MIAMI. Fla.
(AP) I'm starving, but I'm delighted. So far I've lost 112 pounds. That sounds like a lot. when you start a diet weighing 508 pounds, it is just a beginning. Today I weigh 396 pounds and there are a lot of pounds to lose before I get down to the 200 or 250 level.
My diet i is quite simple. I have two vitamin pills a day a and can drink all the sugar-free beverages I want. What else? Nothing. That's it. Grateful To Hospital I'm grateful to the Children's Cardiac Hospital.
But the thing I'm most grateful for is Myrna House, one of the sweetest nurses in the world. We plan to be married in late January or when I am finished with the weight program. When I entered the hospital I was by no standards accepted by our society. I wanted recognition as a human being, a person, not a freak from another world. That's why I decided to try the long starvation diet which has proved successful for others.
Finally, I realized, I was going to give up A friend I had confided in for many years: food. Tried Painting During the first days in the hospital, while doctors were testing me for all sorts of things, I tried painting, reading, weaving, weightlifting and anything else I could find to forget that I once depended on food and only food to keep my anger against others hidden. On March 10, my long fight toyard normalcy finally got under way, My food was gone, now faced a completely new situation. Although I built my- Maine Primary Is Set Today PORTLAND. Maine (AP) Republican Gov.
John H. Reed becomes the first incumbent governor in 20 years to face primary opposition when he goes against State Rep. James S. Erwin of York in Monday's elections, Erwin, 45, predicts the race will go "right down to the wire" with most of his strength against the 45-year-old chief executive coming from coastal counties. The Republican gubernatorial battle highlights the which have 18 candidates going after five major nominations.
State elections officials predict a turnout between 150,000 and 160.000 voters, The record primary turnout was 158.000 in 1952. EXPORT EXPLOSIVES TEL AVIV. Israel (AP) farael will export a million dollars worth explosives to West Germany this year, reports Adin Talbar. assistant director general of the Commerce Ministry, self up psychologically for the starvation diet, I was really scared for the first time in my life. I wasn't afraid of surviving a long period of starvation.
My fear was that I might fail this diet as I had with others. At first I shed about to 3 pounds every day. Now I'm dropping about of a pound daily. Still on Diet I'm still on the vitamin pills and beverage diet which probably adds up to less than 8 calories a day. Part of my program has included psychotherapy, understand which feel has helped me my anger problem and the reasons why I became an impulsive eater, more commonly called a "foodaholic." There have been temptations.
Physically I don't crave food at all. But eating is a strong habit, something you really never overcome apparently. You teeth still want to bite. Your mouth wants to chew. I slipped.
Once I ate some chicken broth. I told the doctors and they understood. Later, 1 sneaked a bite of roast beef. But my conscience won. I spit it out.
Then, later, while on a pass, bought a can of beer, opened it and looked. Conscience won again. I threw it out without tasting. Life Now Routine My life has settled down into a routine. I wake up at 6:30 every morning to be weighed, have my blood pressure, temperature and pulse rate taken.
After washing, I return to a hearty breakfast of one soft drink. At 10 each morning I work out with weights and bicycles, usually about an hour depending on how I feel. Then it's time for occupational therapy where I paint and make wallets and other objects. About noon I get another diet drink. After lunch.
I visit other patients in the research section. Occasionally I get a pass to go to the beach or gO fishing. Sometimes, if there's any work. typing, to do. finish that.
In the evenings, I walk down the hospital corridors, play cards with the patients, watch television or read, usually law books which I hope will help me when I finish undergraduate work and 1 enter law school. June 14, Nancy Arline Davis Hobby Gray Davis appear a Chatta You are hereby commanded to and County. Georgia, within 60 days of the order for service by publication. then and there to the complaint Witness the Land. Judge of maid Court, this 16th day al June, Joann S.
Galloway, Clerk LEGAL NOTICE GEORGIA. CHATTANOOCHEE COUN FOR Date Filed June SUPERIOR COURT. 14, 1966, Date of Order for Service by Publication FUNERAL NOTICES BELCHER Funeral services for Mrs. Flossie L. Belcher will be Monday at 4 p.m.
at Riverview Assembly of God Church with the Rev. mond C. Wetzel officiating. Interment will be in Riverdale Cemetery, Mrs. Belcher survived by her husband.
Phillip O. Belcher, Columbus: two stepdaughters, Mrs. Margie Raper, Columbus, and Mrs. Jean Wages, Mobile, Ala, and two stepsons, Jack Belcher, Mobile, and Charles Belcher, Columbus, 12 grand. children.
four great grand children, and a number of nieces, nephews and cousins. STRIFFLER HAMBY MORTUARY CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Eftect've September 1, 1965 'The People's Market Place" Call 324-5171 PHENIX CITY OFFICE 298 8787 MACON ROAD OFFICE 501-8496 Your Direct Line To A THRIFTY FAMILY WANT AD MINIMUM THREE LINES CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS Three Lines One Three Lines Two Times. Three Lines Three Three Lines Four Times Three Lines Five Three Lines Six Times. 85.58 Three Lines Seven Three Lines Eight Times Three Lines Nine Three Lines Ten Times Our friendly Classified Ad Visors will give you rates on ads larger than three lines. (Average 5 words per line).
FAMILY WANT AD SPECIAL Items for Sale Under H00 Individual Ads Only) Lines One Werk Lines One Week Lines One Open CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Rate $4.90 Per Column Inch Lower Contract Rates on Request. OFFICE HOURS: Daily 8.30 a Saturday 8 30 to 2:40 Sundays 2 to 10 PREVENT ERRORS Al ask that your ad be "READ BACK" to you. The Ledger Enquirer will net sponsible for more that 014 of ad meat 9 ordered tot mote than one time. All wits placed but cancelled prior 10 publication the nest day will be charged for a one insertion. No lie made on ads celled without your numfor reference Always ask the ad for your cancellation number when cancelling your ad.
ALWAYS READ YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS Phone Anvone who has a phone listed in their call 324 5171 and charge and bor billed at their home ad dress parable on Collect phone to place ads only will be accepted from anewhere within 0 mile radius of Columine Card of Thanks KING We desire to our cereal thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, of sympathy and floral and spiritual of received from our many friends and neighbors in our recent of our beloved son. Gary Wood King. G. Dean Allen King and Fa mily Cemetery Lots PARKHILL four plot in sirable section 5600. Mr.
PIttA FA 2.1601 after 6 p.m TRAVEL TRAILERS Want La so campina7 Rent travel trailer from Manor Trailer Court 689-7830. 680-1787. UNITED CAR COMPANY. formally Jay's Cab Company NEW telephone FA 43673 001 7th Ave. ATTENTION Reward for con viction of person or persona ins evelone fencing pipe In roll from HARRELSON CORPORATION Int al 1807 11th Court, Phenis City, Ala.
208-0646 HAVE for man of woman, Heatmere, $222 Hamilton Rd. FA Lodge Notices Called communication of Rose Hill Lodge No 484 will held at 4001 Hamilton Tuesday. June 21. al m. called tot the purpose of conferring Light refreshments will be served A11 qualified brethren are cordially invited to altend Hoke Wikinson, W.
A. C. Knowles, Sec USe Business Services 20 Appliance Repairs DISABLED VETERAN will repair irons, toasters, mixers, perks, vacu um cleaner. Pick up service. 298- 6444.
FAST reliable service, All work guar anteed. Automatic Washing Machines are our Specialty Phone 424-5219 or MORRIS FURNITURE AP. PLIANCE, 5009 Hamilton Rd. Open from 9 till 7 PM. Mon, thru Sat.
Pavement Markings PAVEMENT markings for Parking Lots: Parking lines, arrows. letter. inc. Columbus' oldest Company, Pavement Markings" Bonded Call collect. Don Peek: 322-1826, 323-1663, 327-4451 Television and Radio SERVICE CALLS, $2.50 Picture tubes changed.
NEW 20 INCH TUBE. $20.95, CV A-2621. TV RENTALS MO. Delivery service option to bus Service all make, and model TV's Columbus, Bennine, ARNOLD'S RADIO A TV SERVICE 1400 17th SL FA 2-5554 TV RENTALS Pounds Appliance at 1044 Benning Road. MU 04097 SERVICE Calls, $3.00 black A white 45.00 color dave week 11 P.m.
teed TV's cheap, trell's tV Service, 927 Crading Paving GRADING, PAVING HEAVY EQUIPMENT BEN'S Appliance Furniture FOR SENTi WASHERS Suite Call 689-1828 WE DELIVER INSTALL 2015 5 Lumpkin Fee Business Services 2 Concrete Work CONCRETE drives walks floors patios, shuffleboards wall. Terms, Joan Blizzard. FA 3-0901. Air Conditioning AIR CONDITIONER RENTALS from 4.000 to 16,500 BTU: $6.50 to $24.50 per month. Phone 489-6006, Barrett Brooks Enterprises, FAST accurate typing done reasonably by dependable typist.
13-D Vie. tory Home Improvements ROOFING applied Bonded 15-25 Serving you in Columbus since 1927, Free estimates 36 to WALTER NIL.DE ROOF ING COMPANY. 1926 12th Avenui PA 3-3002, CARPENTER work repair and build Steplace rotten silla, paintine. sonable. Free catimates PA 4-3990 SPECIAL CUSTOM MADE FULL FRAME ALUMINUM SCREEN Aluminum Screen Co.
410 15th St PA 2-7274. Rooting WOODS ROOFING GUTTER WORKS. Repair old rents, pay when proven not to leak 1908 10th Ave. 5891. Rooting Siding Painting Additions a Bathe Gutters Brick Black Work Call 561-1204 Free Fatimates Allied Roof Remodeling CALDWELL CONST.
REMODELING, INC. Fig ie Hee Plumbing Repairs REPAIRS REMOULING OU'R Specially 15 years experience. All Guaranteed hour service RODGERS PLUMBING HEATING lames M. Rodeets dr owner 4454 Sewing Machines PFAFF SEWING CENTER Sales, rentals, parte, service for 1314 Broadway 122-9142 Screens CUSTOM MADE ANODE at 11 SUPPLIES 2061 Shepherd DE 0 FAMILY WANT AD for fast results.