Brain Zaps: A Side Effect of Stopping Antidepressants (2025)

Brain zaps are electric-like sensations in the brain perceived to happen in the brain when someone is discontinuing a antidepressant. It’s a term that likely became popularized on internet discussion boards among people who were describing their experiences after discontinuing antidepressants.

Brain zaps are one of several physical sensations experienced during antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, a condition common among people who are tapering off antidepressants.

The 5 Types of Antidepressants

What Causes Brain Zaps?

Although the term “brain zaps” may be used to describe a variety of experiences—including the physical sensations associated with anxiety, or the experience of taking the drug ecstasy—the term is most closely associated with discontinuing antidepressants, and has been studied as a symptoms of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome.

According to a 2017 study published in CMAJ, roughly 20% of people develop antidepressant discontinuation syndrome after ending the use of antidepressant medication. The syndrome is most likely to happen when going “cold turkey” or reducing your medication intake substantially in a short period of time.

Experts aren’t entirely sure why weaning from antidepressants can cause unpleasant bodily sensations for some people. According to a 2018 study, it might have something to do with the alteration of serotonin receptors that happens when you stop taking an antidepressant, and the impact this has on neurotransmitters. Additionally, certain people may just be more sensitive to the effects of stopping antidepressants, the researchers suspect.

Symptoms of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome are usually experienced about 2-4 days after the tapering off process starts, and can last several weeks or longer. Symptoms can resolve sooner if you go back on your medication or take a new, similar antidepressant.

Besides “brain zaps,” antidepressant discontinuation syndrome can cause:

  • Flu-type symptoms, such as feeling overheated and exhausted, and having headaches and muscle aches
  • Trouble sleeping, including nightmares
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Tingling and burning sensations
  • Feeling anxious and “on edge”
  • Feeling angry and agitated

The Pros and Cons of Antidepressants

How Do Brain Zaps Feel?

Everybody experiences brain zaps a little differently. But in a nutshell, they are usually described as an electric-like sensation felt in the brain. They have also been described by some people as tingling, shock-like, and burning.

Researchers looked at almost 600 online posts between 2014 and 2016 by users describing their experience with brain zaps. These findings were shared in the study published in The Primary Care Companion For CNS Disorders. Here’s what they found:

  • Most described brain zaps as lasting a second or two, rarely longer
  • The majority described brain zaps as “electric shocks”
  • Many people felt like they blacked out for a second during a brain zap
  • Many people felt like brain zaps were like the brain “rebooting”
  • Some people shared that brain zaps were more likely to happen when they moved their eyes side to side
  • Some people felt or heard buzzing
  • Some people felt pain during the brain zap
  • Some people had several zaps in a row
  • A small number of people described brain zaps as “like seizures
  • A small number of people described brain zaps as similar to an orgasm

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How to Get Rid of Brain Zaps

In most cases, brain zaps, along with other symptoms of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome will go away within a week or so. For people who have mild, temporary symptoms, the “wait it out” approach works fine. But for some people, brain zaps and other sensations are extremely uncomfortable and disturbing, and may last for longer periods. These people may be looking for relief.

Thankfully, you are not helpless when it comes to managing your symptoms. There are things that can be done to treat, prevent, and cope with brain zaps. Here’s what to know.


If you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms after stopping antidepressants, you should contact your healthcare provider. They can discuss how quickly you have tapered off your medication, whether you should wean from the medication at a slower pace, and whether substituting a different medication while you wean may be appropriate.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to tapering off an antidepressant:

  • It may be more possible to wean faster if you have been taking the antidepressant for a shorter period of time.
  • If your antidepressant has a short half-life, you will likely need to wean more gradually
  • It can be helpful to keep in mind that the symptoms you are experiencing are temporary and won’t affect your long-term health
  • For some people, switching to the antidepressant like fluoxetine (Prozac) which has a long half-life can be helpful for a period after you’ve stopped your antidepressant
  • If your symptoms are severe, you may need to start taking your medication again, and then do a slower tapering off period in the future


People who are stopping antidepressant and experience uncomfortable symptoms need support.Research published in Psychiatry Online surveyed 250 people who had discontinued their antidepressant. The researchers looked at what support helped the most. Here’s what they found:

  • Self Education: 76% of people found that self-education on the topic of discontinuing medication was very helpful; this included reading books and doing web research on the subject
  • Self-Care: Spending time outdoors, sharing how you feel with others, exercise, and spending time with pets all were helpful when it came to coping with medication discontinuation
  • Social Support: More than half of respondents said that having at least one trusted support person was important, and having a support person who had experienced mediation discontinuation themselves and could empathize was helpful.


Not all instances of brain zaps can be prevented, but having a solid plan for how to taper off your medication and doing so gradually can prevent many cases of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome or at least lessen your symptoms.

Reducing the risk of brain zaps starts with having a detailed discussion with your provider or psychiatrist before stopping your antidepressant. Not all antidepressants are the same, and your provider can tell you what the best schedule is for weaning off your particular antidepressant. In some cases, it may take 6-8 weeks to wean off an antidepressant to minimize side effects. Your provider may also suggest switching to a different antidepressant while you taper off.

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When to See a Healthcare Provider

You should contact your healthcare provider before you begin the tapering off process, to get a healthy plan in place. But you should also contact your doctor if you are having challenging symptoms during the weaning process.

Symptoms that are severe or that last more than one to two weeks should be reported to your doctor. You can also talk to them if you want alternative medications, a different weaning plan, or if you wish to go back to taking your old medication.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are brain zaps mini seizures?

    No, brain zaps are not the same as seizures. Although seizures have different types of symptoms like bodily shaking, loss of awareness of unusual sensations, this is not the same as what happens during a brain zap, where the sensation is located in the brain and lasts for a few seconds. Talk to your physician immediately if you think you are having symptoms of a seizure.

  • What does an anxiety brain zap feel like?

    Stress or anxiety can cause a variety of strong physical sensations, including symptoms like shivers and trembling. Some people may experience something like a brain zap during times of anxiety or panic.

  • How common are brain zaps?

    There is no published data on how prevalent brain zaps are in particular. But many people experience withdrawal symptoms after coming off antidepressants. One study found that over 50% of people coming off of antidepressants experience some type of withdrawal symptoms, and almost half rated them as severe.

Long-Term Effects of Antidepressants

5 Sources

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Papp A, Onton JA. Brain Zaps: An Underappreciated Symptom of Antidepressant Discontinuation. Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2018;20(6):18m02311.

  2. Gabriel M, Sharma V. Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. Canadian Medical Assocation Journal. 2017;189(21):E747. doi:10.1503/cmaj.160991

  3. Papp, A., & Onton, J. A. Brain zaps: An underappreciated symptom of antidepressant discontinuation.The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders,2018: 20(6), 18m02311.

  4. National Health Service. Epilepsy Symptoms.

  5. Davies J, Read J. A systematic review into the incidence, severity and duration of antidepressant withdrawal effects: Are guidelines evidence-based? Addictive Behaviors. 2019;97:111-121. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.08.027

Brain Zaps: A Side Effect of Stopping Antidepressants (1)

By Wendy Wisner
Wendy Wisner is a health and parenting writer, lactation consultant (IBCLC), and mom to two awesome sons.

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Brain Zaps: A Side Effect of Stopping Antidepressants (2025)


Brain Zaps: A Side Effect of Stopping Antidepressants? ›

Sensory disturbances after stopping antidepressants can lead to burning, tingling, electric- or shock-like sensations in the body and brain. A person may be able to minimize or prevent brain zaps by gradually tapering off their dosage of antidepressants.

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Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are the most likely antidepressants to cause withdrawal symptoms. Listed according to their risk of causing withdrawal, they include: With a high risk of withdrawal: Desvenlafaxine (Khedezla, Pristiq)

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Even after the withdrawals have disappeared, it's very common for patients to continue experiencing irregular serotonin levels after taking an SSRI. That's why many HCPs and researchers have started to support the use of Vitamin B12 for depression and antidepressant withdrawals.

What causes brain zaps after stopping antidepressants? ›

The cause is unknown. If you've ever gone off of an SSRI and experienced electrical shock-like sensations afterward, you may have experienced a “brain zap.” Experts don't entirely understand the connection, but these symptoms seem to be related to abrupt changes in serotonin levels.

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While 'brain zaps' are generally mild and go away on their own, or are rapidly reversed by the reintroduction of the original medication, they can typically be minimized by a slow tapering down of the drug.

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Sertraline, also known by the brand name Zoloft, used for multiple mental health and mood disorders, is the most prescribed antidepressant dispensed to U.S.

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Of the SSRIs, paroxetine and fluvoxamine have the shortest half-lives and therefore are associated with the highest risk. Citalopram, escitalopram, and sertraline carry moderate risk, while fluoxetine carries the lowest risk due to the long half-life of its active metabolite (approximately 7 days).

Are brain zaps mini seizures? ›

However, the reassuring news is that brain zaps are a well-known side effect of stopping SSRIs and in most cases resolve within a month. While there is a theory they are hyper-localised, mini seizures, at the moment there is no high-quality evidence to back this idea up.

Are brain zaps serious? ›

Brain zaps can happen when a person decreases or stops using certain medications, particularly antidepressants. There is no evidence to suggest they are harmful or damage the brain. However, they can be bothersome, disorienting, and disrupt sleep.

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3) Ibuprofen or other pain reliever can help with the flu-like body aches. 4) Benadryl helped with the brain zaps. 5) Exercise helped with both. Even if I wasn't up to a run, a few blocks of walking would settle down the symptoms for a while at least.

What vitamin helps with brain zaps? ›

4. Try Supplements to Support Your Overall Health
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (or fish oil supplements), which have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, which can support GABA production and fight symptoms like fatigue, weakness and brain-fog.
Oct 31, 2018

Should you go to the ER for brain zaps? ›

Brain zaps are not a medical emergency, and they are not seizures. Abruptly stopping antidepressant medication is one of the most well-recognized causes, but many people experience brain zaps even when antidepressant medications are stopped gradually.

What are the benefits of getting off antidepressants? ›

Stopping antidepressants may lead to improved mental clarity, weight loss, and restored sexual function. It may also cause side effects, but these are typically mild and go away on their own. Anyone interested in learning more about stopping antidepressants should speak with a healthcare or mental health professional.

Which antidepressants have worse withdrawals? ›

Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors and paroxetine are associated with a higher risk of withdrawal effects compared with other antidepressants.

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Top 5 antidepressants to treat depression
  • Citalopram.
  • Escitalopram.
  • Fluoxetine.
  • Fluvoxamine.
  • Paroxetine.
  • Sertraline.

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Agomelatine, amitriptyline, escitalopram, mirtazapine, paroxetine, venlafaxine, and vortioxetine were more effective than other antidepressants (ORs ranging between 1·19 and 1·96), whereas fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, reboxetine, and trazodone were among the least efficacious drugs (ORs ranging between 0·51 and 0·84).

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Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

They're usually preferred over other antidepressants, as they cause fewer side effects. An overdose is also less likely to be serious. Fluoxetine is probably the best known SSRI (sold under the brand name Prozac).


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